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Eversfield Organic - Quality Organic Produce Delivered to Your Door

Bread Glorious Bread

Organic bread

We are now stocking Baker Tom’s sliced bread. We think it’s the best thing since average sliced bread. All the freshness, flavour and crunch without the hassle of trying to cut the perfect piece, not too thin, not too thick.

Tom’s bread is handcrafted the traditional way with just the simplest ingredients – flour, water, yeast and sea salt – made the way it's been made for centuries. This method produces great tasting bread, free of preservatives.

Here’s a little breaducation for you about how and when we get our special delivery of freshness:

Day 1

5pm: Bakers tally up their orders.

7pm – 8pm: Bakers weigh out all the ingredients needed.

8pm – 9pm: The mixing, kneading and moulding.

9pm – 12am: Breads left to rest and prove.

Day 2

12am: The baking commences!

4am: Breads are baked and order packing begins.

4am – 6am: Deliveries start.

8am: Eversfield Organic receives delivery! And we all squabble to accept it, just to get a fresh baked whiff.

Day 3

You receive your lovely loaf. Loving made and ready for brekkie.

Keep your loaf for longer by freezing it! Then sneak out the slice in the mornings when you fancy a squidgy sandwich, beans on toast or whatever floats your bread boat.

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